10 Home Remedies for Ear Mites

Since honey has various uses, you can also use it to help your dog get rid of the ear mite. At least honey will smell better than garlic or vinegar. Rub a cotton ball with mineral oil on the inside of the ears and close the ear with your hand for a few minutes.

home remedy for ear mites in my dog

The following home remedy is quite helpful for dogs with ear mites because it will handle these parasites, effectively. Place a few drops in each ear and gently massage your dog’s outer ear to distribute the tea solution. You should do this once a day for an entire month to kill all the ear mites. This is one of the more obscure but well-tried ear mite cleansing methods. Home remedy experts recommend using a mixture of nine drops of yellow dock root extract and a teaspoon of water.

What is the best home remedy for dog ear mites?

Most dogs that have ear mites have a lot of irritation because of the biting mites. Ear mites bite the inside of dogs and cause them irritation. To get rid of these unwanted pests, mix olive oil and freshly crushed garlic. Allow the two to sit overnight, and then remove the garlic and discard it before administering the treatment.

home remedy for ear mites in my dog

The female mite secretion helps the eggs attach to the ear canal walls. So, these new mites can live for about two months. Then, they use the dog’s skin and debris as food, making the dog itch and feel irritated. With the above information, you should feel confident treating your dog’s ear mites with ease.

Who And What Can Cause Ear Mites?

Ear mites are highly contagious between cats, dogs, and ferrets. That said, our pets get ear mites by coming into contact with other animals who have ear mites. Since there are safe, proven products available to treat ear mites in dogs, you should have your veterinarian prescribe one of those instead. A dog with an ear infection can have the same symptoms—scratching and ear discharge—as a dog with ear mites. That’s why it’s important to see your veterinarian for help with diagnosis and treatment. Coconut oil is a wonderful oil to have on hand because of the nutritional and medicinal benefits we get from it.

While medication treatments are available, these are often quite harsh on a pet. This gets washed down your dog's already sensitive ears. Natural home remedies for ear mites in dogs can be just as effective. They work without subjecting them to rough chemicals and a stressful medicating process. Another contributor to ear infections in dogs is wax buildup.

Effective Home Remedies for Ear Mites in Dogs

For example, they do not come from dirty environments or animals infected with a different type of parasite . Administer one to ten drops of this to your dog's ear. Mix one cup of warm water with one teaspoon of baking soda.

home remedy for ear mites in my dog

These infections cause inflammation in the outer, middle, or inner ear. You may also encounter discharge or an unusual odor. Each day, apply aloe vera gel to the inside of your dog’s ears. Also, yellow dock root provides quick relief from itchiness that your pet may be suffering due to ear mites. It can prevent any kind of infection caused by ear mites.

Does my dog have ear mites or dirty ears?

Just clean the ear and the entire ear canal with olive oil and remove as much debris as possible. The oil will asphyxiate the mites, so to heal your dog thoroughly, repeat the treatment every three days for two weeks. Use the tea solution by putting the liquid into the dropper. Since the dog’s ear canal is shaped as “L” that means it travels straight down towards the center of the dog’s head. Getting rid of dog ear mites is essential for protecting your dog’s ear health. You can treat these mites with over-the-counter or prescription medications.

Use these treatments once a week for a month to get rid of any ear mites. Sometimes, dogs can develop secondary infections because of ear mites. Adding garlic to the oil will keep bacteria at bay so infections do not develop. It is also important to keep your dog’s ears clean at all times. The best dog ear cleaners will help to clean dirt and debris. Olive oil is a natural oil that can help your dog get rid of ear mites.

So here’s some information about ear mites, how to identify these pests … and how to get rid of them. Before going straight for the home remedies, however, you may want to get the problem diagnosed by your vet. That way, you will know what treatment is best for your dog’s situation. Apply a warm compress to the ear several times a day to help reduce inflammation and alleviate pain.

home remedy for ear mites in my dog

If you notice your dog in pain or her ears drying out too much, discontinue use and see your vet. No research has been done to examine the effectiveness of home remedies for dog ear mites. Since there are effective medications readily available, you should always see your veterinarian to prescribe a medication for treatment. You will need to treat your dog for about a month through natural remedies to cure this problem. This is because eggs of mites will continue to hatch and can quickly re-infest the ears.

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Wash items like pet bedding in hot water and then run them through a hot dryer until they are completely dry. Thoroughly vacuum areas where pets spend a lot of time. Almond oil is wonderful natural oil from almonds that contains high beneficial fatty acids.

home remedy for ear mites in my dog


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