PA Home Education Law & Resources

The school district of residence shall, at the request of the supervisor, lend to the home education program copies of the school district’s planned courses, textbooks and other curriculum materials appropriate to the student’s age and grade level. The evaluations of homeschooled students are submitted each year to the superintendent for verification that an appropriate education has taken place. If the yearly evaluations do not list the completed courses in the home education program, the school will have no record of courses completed that can be used as guidance toward grade placement or graduation. There are no laws or regulations governing the acceptance of home education work; it is at the discretion of the school. However, school districts are to have written policies (22 Pa. Code § 11.41).

pa home education law

If the tests, as required in subsection , have not been administered at the time of the receipt of the certified letter by the supervisor, the supervisor shall submit the other required documentation to the evaluator and shall submit the test results to the evaluator with the completed documentation at the conclusion of the school year. (h.1) An evaluator’s certification stating that an appropriate education is occurring for the school year under review shall be provided by the supervisor to the superintendent of the public school district of residence by June 30 of each year. If the certification is not submitted within that time, the board of school directors shall provide for a proper hearing in accordance with subsection . Your child’s portfolio must be submitted for an annual written evaluation by a licensed psychologist, or a teacher certified by the state , or a nonpublic school teacher or administrator (who must have at least two years’ teaching experience in the last 10 years in public or nonpublic schools). At the request of the homeschooling parent/supervisor, a person with other qualifications may conduct the evaluation with the prior consent of the local superintendent. The supervisor and supervisor's spouse are not allowed to be the evaluator.

Option 2: Homeschooling with a private tutor.

In order to homeschool your children, the tutor must be certified by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to teach in the public schools of Pennsylvania, teach one or more children who are members of a single family, provide the majority of the instruction, and receive a fee or other consideration for teaching. Additionally, if the superintendent has a reasonable belief at any time during the school year that an appropriate education may not be occurring, he or she may send you a letter requiring that an evaluation be conducted and that an evaluator’s certification be submitted within 30 days. Homeschooled students are not required to take the Keystone Exams, but supervisors of home education programs may request that their students take these "Statewide tests" along with the school district, if they so desire. The supervisor should notify the school district early in the school year if the Keystone Exams are to be taken so the school district can order the extra tests and arrange for where the test will be administered. The current "Statewide tests" include both the PSSAs and the Keystone exams.

pa home education law

Civics; safety education, including regular and continuous instruction in the dangers and prevention of fires; health and physiology; physical education; music; and art. The principal of the school must file a notarized affidavit with the Department of Education stating that the required subjects are offered at the school in the English language, that the school is in compliance with the law, and whether the school is a nonprofit organization. “Appropriate education” shall mean a program consisting of instruction in the required subjects for the time required in this act and in which the student demonstrates sustained progress in the overall program. A home education program may begin a course late in one school year and complete it in the next school year. For example, if a student completes Algebra I early in the school year, they are free to begin Algebra II immediately, if desired.

Age versus Grade

There are two publicly-funded learn-at-home options -- the new Public Cyber Charter Schools, and Homebound Instruction, where the student is tutored for a few hours a week by a school district employee. Some parents who hold a PA teaching certificate, or who hire someone who does, homeschool under the Private Tutor Law, which has fewer reporting requirements. Annually, the parent must file a notarized Affidavit with the local school district. Testing can be less expensive when tests are ordered through the mail from a test supplier when compared with the costs of testing provided by a homeschooling achievement testing business. The school districts may not refuse your right to home school based upon the test results.

The evaluation shall also be based on an interview of the child and a review of the portfolio required in clause and shall certify whether or not an appropriate education is occurring. At the request of the supervisor, persons with other qualifications may conduct the evaluation with the prior consent of the district of residence superintendent. In no event shall the evaluator be the supervisor or their spouse. If the tests as required in subsection , have not been administered at the time of the receipt of the certified letter by the supervisor, the supervisor shall submit the other required documentation to the evaluator and shall submit the test results to the evaluator with the completed documentation at the conclusion of the school year. If the certification is not submitted to the superintendent within thirty days of receipt of the certified letter, the board of school directors shall provide for a proper hearing in accordance with subsection . The certified letter shall include the basis for the superintendent’s reasonable belief.

Where else can I read about the PA Home Education Law?

The requirements contained in sections 1511 and 1511.1, except as provided for in this section, and section 1605 shall not apply to home education programs. A home education program shall not be considered a nonpublic school under the provisions of this act. “Supervisor” shall mean the parent or guardian or such person having legal custody of the child or children who shall be responsible for the provision of instruction, provided that such person has a high school diploma or its equivalent. You need to submit your notarized affidavit, an outline of proposed education objectives, and whatever you feel the law requires to meet the medical requirements. "The certified teacher shall have experience at the elementary level to evaluate elementary students or at the secondary level to evaluate secondary students."

pa home education law

Also makes a useful handout to educate new homeschoolers, or anyone who is making a decision involving homeschoolers in PA. Like all laws, it's kind of hard to read, but it gets clearer each time you try. These include an Umbrella School, a Church School, a Religious Exemption claim under the Religious Freedom Protection Act, and Underground Homeschooling . Most families in PA homeschool under the PA Home Education Law.

Another source that breaks down the homeschool law is The PA Home Education Handbook. (Homebound instruction is generally only offered to children who cannot attend school due to illness, discipline issues, or other reasons. You should hire an evaluator who is comfortable with your style of homeschooling. To demonstrate that you have done this, and that your child has made progress, you must maintain a Portfolio, including some samples of student work and a Log of Reading Materials. Testing does not have to done in your support group or local public school. The Pennsylvania Department of Education has provided a list of 10 tests to choose from.

pa home education law

Ensure that you have the required qualifications to teach. Act 196 of 2014 amended the law by adding subsection (d.1). Bold and Italics have been added to make the law easier to read and locate information. Additional notes have been put in to highlight specific items. A list of many of these organizations is posted on our Home Education and Private Tutoring homepage with the link Support Groups and Resources.

Look into becoming an evaluator for one or more of the PA home education diploma programs. Consider whether you will offer standardized testing services, such as the WRAT. Be prepared to discuss what kind of evaluator's report you will provide, and how much you will charge. Think carefully in advance about what you will expect to see from the students you evaluate, and how you will proceed if you have concerns that a particular student has not met the requirements of the law.

The law changed in 2014 which eliminated the school district access to the portfolio . You are encouraged to choose an evaluator who respects your home educating style and does not require overcompliance. Complete standardized testing in grades 3, 5, and 8 in reading/language arts and math; include results in the portfolio for the evaluator to see. Contact the superintendent of your current district of residence by registered mail and request a letter of transfer.


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